Jennifer Cooper, here, just saw you today! This whole post resonated with me and had me in tears. Please let me know how I can help!

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Lovely to see you comment here! It was great working with you today. I look forward to seeing you soon and thank you for reading!

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Also, the person who commented above, ebaker—my husband’s name is Evan Baker. He used to go by E A Baker. He died November 2, 2022. He was 43. ((HUGS))

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Hi Anna,

Thank you for your heartful words and your incredible insights. It has been just over a year since we last met over zoom for a session and shift in my life and in my relationship with my husband from the connection you facilitated has been profound. This March will be 6 years since he passed and even though I still feel grief and miss his physical presence deeply, I have an unshakable knowing that the love we share(d) still exists❤️✨

I easily resonate with what Hannah shared about the transformation of emotions around really difficult life transitions and am soooo grateful for your gracious and intuitive gifts that opened the space and clarity to allow that shift for me💗

I deeply believe in the power of collaboration and would be be happy to be on your list of people you can call on to send extra healing energy in times of need.


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I was struck by your username, ebaker—my husband’s name is Evan Baker. He used to go by E A Baker. He died November 2, 2022. He was 43. ((HUGS))

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Sending love to you💕

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Erica, thank you so much for your kind and meaningful words and your offer of support. I'm so glad your session with me helped shift things for you and sharing here can help others so much too. Sending warmth and gratitude your way!!

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