Synchronicities & Signs
How do you know if your loved one or spirit team is connecting with you?
People often question if the synchronicities they are experiencing or the signs they think they might be getting from their spirit teams or loved ones in spirit are “real.” How does one know?
I often experience signs when I’m driving. It takes a certain set of complex skills to drive that eventually become automatic, where you don’t have to concentrate on driving and your body just knows what to do. That kind of focus can sometimes allow another part of my awareness to be a little more open to receiving intuitive input. I’ll find that I am waiting at a stoplight and my head will turn without thought away, directly to a license plate that has a set of triple digits such as 333. This is can be a very common occurrence for me. When I see these, I smile and let a feeling of warmth and gratitude wash over me. I will pay attention to what I was just thinking about or taking about and interpret that sign showing up right then as validation or emphasis around that subject or idea. Either way, as I let myself receive love from my spirit team in that moment, I allow myself to fill with a loving boost of energy and warmth and I then give love and gratitude back to them. I have found that this exchange invites a ripe opportunity for more signs and synchronicities to happen for me.
When dropping my son off Monday, we were crossing the street to the school and I looked to the left and there was an 8888 license plate on a car stoped at the crosswalk. I said, “Look Nico, good luck for today!” and he smiled and I could see a warm feeling washing through him, giving him a boost of energy and confidence for the day. Then driving back the few blocks to my house, my eyes popped over to another car parked on the side of the road with a 555 license plate. Let me be clear - I wasn’t actively looking for these, and scanning all the license plates I pass by. When I do try to look for them, I rarely see them. It happens when I’m not looking for them. I just find my head and eyes moving automatically right to them and the numbers appear in front of my eyes.
I had been asking my spirit teams what would be relevant and good to write about this week for you and as I saw the second triple digit, I realized this was it! They heard my request for what would be relevant to write about to share with you this week, and as soon as I saw those, I realized it was this. Now, since that happened I have seen SO MANY! I saw several yesterday and then today on the clock I saw 11:11 as we were chatting during a break at my Momentum Collective this morning. I looked at the clock at 1:11, 3:33, 5:55. I saw a 888 on a car and another two triple digit license plates. I don’t always see that many, but this definitely has reinforced the message for this week!
What are your signs? Finding pennies could be your thing. Or a certain type of bird, or the fact that birds tend to fly in front of you. It can come in any shape or form.
There are a few things that I recommend paying attention to if you are trying to decide when something is a sign:
You aren't expecting it and there is an element of surprise. In other words, you aren’t actively looking around and scanning for a sign.
As a sign appears, it draws your attention away from what you were doing or thinking enough to notice it, to acknowledge it. There can be a feeling of time pausing or slowing down - as if witnessing that it is waking you up in a way.
Consistency of one kind or another. This can be in the form of experiencing the same kind of sign in different times and ways. Or many different signs but they are all related because they inspire the same kind of loving feeling. There are many different ways consistency can appear.
Spirit connection. If you are tuning into the experience that you are having, it can feel like there is another energy at play. This can be an elevated feeling or like a warmth glowing inside you.
What is the message? It is a message of love. It can feel like a specific loved one or set of loved ones or your spirit team in general. You can ask them and trust the answer you feel. Or maybe you just know. The message is that they are with you. Advocating for you. Supportive. That you are not alone.
It is important to acknowledge that there can be concerns when signs and synchronicities happen that can feel frightening or scary. When I experience someone feeling this way, usually I can see that they tend to gravitate toward being less trusting of the world in general. They haven't known how to interpret the experience and have automatically assumed. They are almost always so relieved to be shifting their perspective to this being a positive and loving sign from their spirit team rather than a bad omen of some kind. There often are other evidential and loving messages from their loved ones in spirit that help support this understanding as well. The way we interpret things has such a huge influence on the experiences we have. It is a good idea to occasionally get curious about how you are interpreting what’s happening in your life and see if there are ways you can upgrade them to bring more joy, more love and more trust into your life.
There are other ways to engage with your spirit team more directly. You can ask them or specific loved ones in spirit for help with something like a parking space in a crowded parking lot and magically it appears. It may or may not always work, but it will help you feel confirmation of them helping and loving you like any other sign or synchronicity. It is important in this kind of interaction with them to be tuned into inviting their energy. It could occur to you to ask because they are ready to support you in that moment and have blended their energy with you to help you invite engagement. If you ask without tuning in and ask all the time, it is less likely to feel authentic or to happen as much as you want. Keep developing your intuition and discernment to feel when there is an elevated sense of connection.
Like anything, signs and synchronicities can ebb and flow. You can feel less connected to yourself sometimes and that can also happen with your connection with your spirit team too. This is natural so don’t worry if things are quiet for a time. You are likely integrating and expanding and will soon come back in the flow in a more expanded and evolved state.
The last and most important part of this puzzle is to TRUST yourself and your spirit teams. No need to second guess. Yes, it is a sign more often than not. There is no harm in allowing yourself to lean into this being true. Some fear that if they believe it, something bad might happen or they might fall off the edge of sanity or are worried it will keep them from relating to other people. I have found none of this to be true. Most often, there is actually a fear of receiving; a resistance to allowing in the love and healing for fear it may not be permanent, that it might cause more grief and loss. It can be scary to allow in love, it is a powerful force that brings with it change - for the better. Sometimes it can feel safer to guard from it, though this is often not a conscious choice.
So here is my invitation for you. Get curious. Where can you open more to receiving love in your life? You don’t need to have an answer right now. Asking the question can open places in you that are ready. Don’t worry about the “how.” That will unfold as your intention to open shifts your energy system and it will fall into place. Trust yourself and your spirit teams to know exactly what to do.
All my love,
Anna Blossom
Ps. What have you experienced on this subject? Do you have questions? Please reply in the comments section. If you don't have the substack app, consider getting it! That way you’ll have more access to being part of the conversation and easy access to my other past posts and all the great writers on this platform.
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Just yesterday I looked at the clock, to see how much time I had before going to pick up my teen from school. Sometimes we go out for a meal after I pick her up. The thought popped into my mind to suggest we try a new Ramen spot we noted as we drove past two weeks earlier. As I had the thought, I received a text sent at recess; "Do you think we could try that new Ramen place after school today?"